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SCHYS 300-Hour Yoga Teacher Training

300-Hour Advanced Yoga Teacher Training

This 300-Hour program is a unique blend of the yoga therapy principles taught by the Krishnamacharya Yoga Mandiram (located in Chennai, India) and the teachings of JJ Gormley, Director. This program takes a deep dive into sequencing, western & eastern anatomy, pranayama, yoga philosophy, and much more. Because this program is grounded in yoga therapy as inspired by T.Krishnamacharya through Mr. TKV Desikachar, we emphasize safety and healing of the body-mind-spirit for all students.

This program meets in-person over a weekend six to eight times, meets virtually for one hour per week for 30 weeks, plus has pre-recorded online classes, mentoring hours, practicum hours, and other reading and study time. We utilize Thinkific, a learning management system for the online classes and other materials for the program.

Pre-requisites: 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training Program from any Yoga Alliance registered program or equivalent, plus one year of teaching (about 40-hours). An established home practice is highly recommended, and your faculty mentor will help get this established or enhance what you’ve already begun.

Students will enjoy a deeply personal relationship with their faculty-mentor and expand their knowledge of:

●      Course planning & teaching methodologies

●      Western anatomy & physiology

●      Subtle anatomy

●      Pranayama techniques

●      Yoga philosophy

●      Ayurveda

●      And more!

Become part of a community, cultivate new friendships, enjoy an enhanced learning experience, deepen your knowledge of yoga, and receive guidance for a sustainable and transformational personal practice. Graduates of this program may continue to SCHYS’s Yoga Therapy Certificate Program which is accredited by the International Association of Yoga Therapists.

The program runs in different locations.

Please see the schedule for weekend trainings by location: In-Person Practicum Modules (IPPMs) - 108 hours

Please see the schedule for the virtual meetings: All scheduled Synchronous Distance Learning Hours - 30 hours

Please see tuition plans.

Would you like a Brochure ?

Click here for a PDF download of our Brochure for this program.

Who Should Apply?

  • Students who want to learn more about the subtle aspects of yoga, philosophy, and teaching methodologies to further their own personal/spiritual practices.

  • Yoga teachers who want to continue their yoga therapy training and/or to apply to the Yoga Therapy Certificate Program.

  • Students who are not interested in doing more difficult asanas, but rather making beginner poses easier and more accessible to those who need help, are recovering from injury, or otherwise have more limited range of motion.

  • Students who are interested in designing a class plan that keeps their students safe.

Not sure about the program, try the Foundations of Yoga Therapy course. This is a series of three online classes that will give you a taste of how JJ Gormley teaches. These three classes were taught by JJ Gormley and recorded and offered as a set to preview before you sign up for the entire Step 1/300-hour program.


Yoga Alliance

This program is a 300-Hour Registered Yoga School with the Yoga Alliance.


Graduates of our 300-hour program may apply (if they don’t already have an RYT-500) for their RYT-500 with the Yoga Alliance. They may also continue their journey on to Steps 2 and 3 to complete their Yoga Therapy Certification (for C-IAYT) through the International Association of Yoga Therapists (IAYT).  Our Yoga Therapy Program is an Accredited Program with the IAYT.

International Association of Yoga Therapists

SCHYS is a member school of the IAYT, and SCHYS 900-Hour Yoga Therapy Certificate Program is an accredited program with the IAYT. NOTE: This 300-hour Advanced Yoga Teacher Training is Step 1 of our three-year program (three step) Yoga Therapy Certificate Program. This Step 1is required as the entire 900-hour program is accredited. We do not accept transfer students from other RYT-500 programs.


Our Yoga Therapy Certificate Program is accredited by the International Association of Yoga Therapists.

This 300-hour Program is the first step in our three-step Yoga Therapy Program.

Steps for Enrollment

Please see application and enrollment process:

If you have questions about this program, please feel free to email JJ Gormley, Program Director, or Barb Pishock, Administrative Director.

Become part of a community, cultivate new friendships, enjoy an enhanced learning experience, deepen your knowledge of yoga, and receive guidance for a sustainable and transformational personal practice