Mat and/or Chair Yoga Asana Classes - Winter 2025
- Surya Chandra Healing Yoga (map)
- Google Calendar ICS
Pre-Requisite: For Mat Class: Must have the ability to get up and down off the floor.
No pre-requisite for Chair Yoga.
Materials/Props: Mat: yoga mat, one or two blocks, blanket, strap. Occasionally a large ball, bolster, and/or light weights (2-5lbs).
Chair: chair (preferably one without arms), something to be able to slide your feet around on the floor (paper plates for use on carpet, or a towel for use on a hard surface).
This is a 10-week session that will alternate between Mat and Chair classes. We start off on January 15 with a Mat class, and will alternate from there.
You may sign up for the 10-weeks and enjoy both mat and chair classes, or select a 5-week session of either Mat or Chair (see options below). The five week session is $50, the 10-week session is $100.
Chair class description:
This chair yoga class with JJ generally starts with gentle dynamic movements with the breath. After moving in and out of a pose, we may stay in the pose for some number of breaths. JJ will encourage you along the way, but if you find yourself in a pose you’d rather not be in, simply move out of the pose and wait for the next. JJ gently guides students through a warm-up phase, then doing poses that take larger and/or deeper movements, and then through a counter-pose and cool down phase. At the beginning and/or end of class JJ will guide students through breathing exercises and/or a guided visualization for relaxation.
Mat class description:
This yoga class with JJ generally starts and ends on the floor, moves through seated poses, table-top poses, and standing poses. The ability to get up and down off the floor is required, though you may use a chair to assist and JJ demonstrate this in the first week. This class is for the able-bodied person with no major issues such as shoulder restrictions, knee restrictions, lower back, etc. If you have one or more restrictions for your body, please consult with JJ first before registering as she may be able to give advice so you will still be able to take the class.
These classes are offered live-virtually via google meet—link will be sent to registrants. The classes will be recorded and the recording links will be sent to all registered participants.
These online yoga classes are not conducive to personal care of a therapeutic nature, therefore, all students must take precautions with their own body and do only what feels comfortable and within your current capacity. Please feel free to schedule a Yoga Therapy Session with JJ for individual help of a therapeutic nature.