SCHYS Training Programs


Those who enter into any of Surya Chandra Healing Yoga School’s (SCHYS) training program embark on an exciting journey to learn deeper aspects and concepts of yoga. Whether you choose this journey for your own personal growth and knowledge or you have the desired goal to teach and help others on this path we call yoga, we believe our training programs to be among the best. We take pride in knowing that our graduates know much more about how to safely teach yoga than those who have graduated from other programs. We love to share the gifts of yoga and we are only too happy to share what we know with others interested in this great journey of yoga.

While we are heavily influenced by the therapeutic teachings that come from the Krishnamacharya through Desikachar lineage, all SCHYS faculty are multi-tradition trained, this means our curriculum does not adhere to any particular lineage. We bring in teachings from other styles and teachings that our faculty have acquired in their years of study. We believe this makes our programs more well-rounded, more accessible, more accepting, and more inclusive as we have learned to take the best from every style, tradition, and lineage.

SCHYS follows and surpasses the standards set by the Yoga Alliance for our 300-Hour Advanced Training Program and our Prenatal Certificate Program (both registered with the Yoga Alliance). We also follow and surpass the standards set by the International Association of Yoga Therapists (IAYT) for our Yoga Therapy Certificate Program.

All programs are directed by JJ Gormley, the founder of SCHYS and one of the premier leaders in the field. She began her yoga journey in 1979. JJ ensures that she teaches at all locations and runs the online portions of the training programs. JJ’s programs were among the first to register with the Yoga Alliance (in 1999) and her Yoga Therapy Training Program was among the first to become accredited with the International Association of Yoga Therapists (in 2017).

We train our teachers to be Trauma Informed, have training in Western/allopathic anatomy and medical terminology as well as Eastern/yogic/complementary anatomy and physiological terminology, and to use All-Inclusive Language.

Comment from a student: My participation in the SCHYS programs has been transformational. I have been studying with JJ almost 10 years both in teacher training and the yoga therapy program. I am continually in awe of the breath and depth of knowledge of JJ and the other instructors. These programs are rooted in ancient yogic texts but also reflect philosophies of the current age. There are also many opportunities to learn from one on one therapeutic case experiences.

Not only is the program helping me work toward becoming a certified yoga therapist, but it also helps me be more sensitive to issues experienced by students in my weekly yoga classes. For instance, following a weekend where we studied neurological issues, I was able to come up with a practice that was helpful to students with Parkinson’s disease in my senior classes. I was more attuned to their symptoms and poses that would be appropriate.

My sangha In the SCHYS program in Virginia is made up of a group of caring, inspirational yogis. I cannot say enough about JJ and this IAYT program. — L.L.

Integrity and Continuity

To maintain the integrity for SCHYS programs, the Director, JJ Gormley has set high standards for herself, the faculty and all students enrolled in any SCHYS Program.  Students and Faculty all sign and follow the Code of Conduct outlining moral and ethical standards.  To maintain continuity for each program at each location, the program is set up on a learning management system called Thinkific, see below for more.

Quality is maintained by keeping low numbers enrolled with the ratio of student to teacher kept at 12:1 or less, with a maximum enrollment at any location of 20 students for Step 1, and 12 students for Steps 2 and/or Step 3.  Our faculty continually review the curriculum before and after each module.  We update the curriculum when necessary to keep up with the standards set by both the Yoga Alliance and the International Association of Yoga Therapists.  In addition, faculty meetings are held for curriculum review once per year. 

Click here to download (PDF) a brochure about our training program?

Program Learning-management system

SCHYS utilizes a web-based learning management system called Thinkific for maintaining and operating each Program.  This platform provides continuity from training group to training group.  Each Step of the Program is organized on Thinkific and is used to monitor the students’ progress towards their final grading transcript and their final SCHYS certification. 

Program Design

SCHYS uses a hybrid method for learning with some in-person hours (faculty contact hours) and online hours. As well, students have reading and practicum requirements which they complete on their own. SCHYS also holds a residential training at a retreat center where students and faculty get to know one another better while also seeing clients, learning more therapeutic techniques, and practicing together. The 5-night retreat is generally scheduled in either Step 2 or Step 3 and has been held at Gray Bear Retreat Center in Hohenwald, TN for the past two decades.

Faculty Contact Hours:

  • The weekend modules called In-Person Practicum Modules (IPPMs). Each Step requires six to eight weekends of approximately 14 - 18 hours each weekend. The Program enrollees at each location will take part in deciding the schedule, and according to the yoga center’s schedule and offerings. All students attending the first weekend IPPM will be part of deciding not only the rest of the IPPM schedule for that program, but also the schedule of the Synchronous Distance Learning classes (see below). Since the class size is limited to 12 students, we try to accommodate everyone’s schedules.

  • The Synchronous Distance Learning (SDLs) classes are held virtually about once per week during the course of the training program. The day/time for this class will be decided during the first IPPM. This class is usually one hour and 15-minutes for about 25-30 weeks. The classes are recorded.

  • Synchronous Case Studies Classes and/or Yoga Therapy Clinic classes are held according to the schedule posted under “Online Classes” on this website. These classes are run weekly four sessions per year. Some sessions are eight weeks and some sessions are ten weeks. Students are required to be on some of these classes live and can listen to the remainder of the requirement. Each Step requires some Case Studies Classes and some Yoga Therapy Clinic classes. The Case Studies classes are those where yoga therapists present a case of a client they are working with and receive feedback from others in the class and from any faculty in the class. The Yoga Therapy Clinic classes are where actual clients and a yoga therapist work together in a yoga therapy session virutally with others observing. The client receives the session for free in exchange for being part of our training program.

  • Mentoring Hours. Each Step required mentored hours which are either Yoga Therapy sessions or administrative meetings between a faculty member and the student. Administrative meetings may be time where the student asks any questions that have come up during the program, seeks expertise on how to work with a specific client, or is concerned about how to complete any requirement.

  • Residential Retreat. A five-night retreat designed specifically for students in this program. Topics include: Sanskrit, Philosophy, Upayam, Ethics & Morals, Therapeutic Skills, Techniques in Asana, Pranayama, Mudra, & Bandha. This retreat is required and has additional cost

Non-Contact Hours include:

  • Online classes. Each Step requires online classes and the number of hours varies for each step. These classes were pre-recorded and available on the Learning Management System, Thinkific, along with handouts. Students complete each required online class then take a short 10 question quiz.

  • Practicum. Each Step requires practicum hours where the student sees clients one-on-one on their own time. Some students offer these sessions at no charge as they begin to build their yoga therapy knowledge.

  • Reading, Research & Study, Documentation, Writing a Research Paper, and Final Exam. All Steps have these requirements except only Steps 2 and 3 require a research paper.


Google Meet, Gotomeeting, Zoom or similar

SCHYS uses the conference call/meeting/webinar applications for our live online classes.  These classes are recorded and the recording is then uploaded to the learning management system, Thinkific.  Some of the classes in the program held virtually are necessary to attend live (in-person, in synchronous with the faculty leading the class).  The day/time for these Synchronous Distance Learning and Case Studies classes varies with each program. Please check the schedule of SDLs and Case Studies classes. These classes are recorded and made available to students on Thinkific.   

 Please email us if you have more questions after perusing the program of interest on our website.

"The success of Yoga does not lie in the ability to perform postures but in how it positively changes the way we live our life and our relationships.” 

-TKV Desikachar


In the many yoga training programs in which I’ve participated, I’ve observed directors and lead teachers of a lot of these programs to be wholly interested in developing an adoration of themselves from their students. JJ, from whom I’ve taken several training programs and workshops, is more interested in the student learning and developing their own identity on their yoga path and teaching. Her focus has never been on herself but totally on her student’s personal growth.

Donya Bauer
ERYT 500
25 years of taking classes and teaching yoga!

When you’re ready to advance your yoga teaching skills, you’ll know it. But when it’s time to select a school, how do you choose? If you want to step up your ability to modify your sequences to keep your students safe…if you want to see your students’ alignment and abilities with fresh eyes…if you want to draw from both the modern and ancient teachings of Krishnamacharya, the Father of Modern Yoga…if you want to approach your teaching with more compassion and empathy…or if you want to take the first step in becoming a yoga therapist, then Surya Chandra Healing Yoga School is the way to go. Now a graduate of the SCHYS Yoga Therapy Certificate program, I am forever changed and grateful for the opportunity to serve my community as a yoga therapist.  

Rebekah Conrad, C-IAYT, E-RYT500

My gratitude for the yoga therapy program with Surya Chandra Healing Yoga School goes beyond what I can express in writing. JJ Gormley and her teachers and mentors helped prepare me for a career as a yoga therapist. The results as a graduate from SCHYS have exceeded my wildest dreams. The program is organized into easy-to-follow steps and has the academic rigor I was seeking in order to truly understand the human body, energetic systems, and yogic philosophy. Along the way, not only did I gain knowledge and experience, but I also connected with outstanding teachers and mentors, fellow classmates, and a community that has challenged me to grow. Over the years of study, I changed habits in my own body and mind. Through time spent with my mentor, I developed an inner peace and confidence that has allowed me to go do good work in the world as a yoga therapist.

Since finishing the program in December of 2020, I started my own business and led workshops. Recently, I began full-time work with a mental wellness group which embraces the mission of bringing holistic, human centered therapies to help clients with "whole-self" healing. The group also gave me the freedom to open a yoga studio to put all of this work in action. I highly recommend SCHYS!

Mary Ellen Taylor C-IAYT


SCHYS is proud to bring our training programs to various locations in the U.S.  Most training programs get started because of a connection with JJ Gormley.  Usually, a colleague or student of JJ’s is interested in this type of quality training program to their location.   We then begin working with the yoga center to set up the program in that location.

Because the learning-based platform, Thinkific is used, materials, handouts, quizzes, and exams for the online classes as well as the Synchronous Distance Learning (SDL) classes are all the same at every location and accessible on the website  As well, each program will run an entire set of In-Person Practicum Modules (IPPMs), so there is no need for the student associated with one location to travel to another location unless they need to make-up a missed IPPM.  All students in the Yoga Therapy Certificate Program will need to travel for the Retreat in year two (Step 2).  The retreat is generally held at Gray Bear Lodge & Retreat Center located approximately two-hours from Nashville, TN. 

Current locations where SCHYS training programs are running:  

  • Illinois – Grow Well Yoga, Barre + Fitness - Step 1 in 2023-2024, Step 2 in 2024-25, and Step 3 in 2025-26

  • North Carolina – Salty Dog Yoga - Step 2 in 2024, and Step 3 in 2025

  • Virginia – The Natural Spine - 139 W Davis St, Culpeper, VA 22701- Step 1 in 2024, Step 2 in 2025, and Step 3 in 2026




Yoga Props

Students are encouraged to bring their own yoga props to the IPPMs or PAMs although these are generally held in yoga studios or yoga centers that have props.  Students may wish to check ahead on availability of props, especially if they are traveling to and from these in-person trainings.

Reading List

SCHYS has an extensive required Reading List for all Programs. SCHYS strives to keep the books and resources listed up to date with the latest books available. The most up-to-date Reading List is on Thinkific or by request. Expected cost of required books and materials can range from $200-$300 per Program.  Many of the texts are more reference-type books and can be shared among colleagues (e.g., anatomy books, yoga philosophy books), we do recommend each student have their own copy of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali (any translation, any author).

Textbooks and Other Resources

Faculty will refer to the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali frequently, including at IPPMs, therefore students are encouraged to bring a copy of their favorite version of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali to all trainings (in-person and SDL).As well, students should bring their SCHYS Study Guide/Workbook, Asana Reference Manual, and textbook: Holistic Healing Through Yoga Therapy to each IPPM or PAM.(These are given to students upon enrollment or at the first IPPM for each Step).